Monday, August 29, 2011

10 weeks!!

We are now 10 weeks and 1 day....

The baby should be a little over an inch long, but we'll find out for sure on Friday!! I can't wait to see baby McAnnally again and see how much he/she has grown :)

I'm feeling about the same these days, which I consider a blessing.  I can't wait to make our news known to everyone!  It's getting hard to hold it in :)

Just five more days before Baby McAnnally goes to his/her first football game!! ROLL TIDE!! We're starting off right :)


  1. Umm...Are you having another ultrasound on Friday? How come I was not aware of this? haha lol!

    YAY for 10 weeks!!! Just 2 more weeks and you'll be in the 2nd Tri :) Plus that yucky feeling should ease up within these next few weeks too!!!

    Roll Tide Baby M!!!

  2. I'm going to need an update soon!!!
