Friday, October 21, 2011

Now...a moment to whine...

I consider my pregnancy to be quite blessed so far.  Compared to the many stories I've heard about the ailments of pregnancy, mine has come nowhere near being as uncomfortable as others. 

Still, I have my days...and this week has been a doozy.

This has been the week of aches and pains.

From my hips and knees aching, to a pain right in the center of my name it, I've felt it this week.  However, the strangest symptom of all was the extreme bout of heartburn (at least I think that's what it was) brought on by my favorite guacamole dip.  I've experienced some mild heartburn so far with pizza, spaghetti, mexican, and buffalo sauce, but this was extreme!!  There I was, enjoying my delicious guacamole when suddenly I have to stop eating because it feels as if it's lodged in my throat (and I know I didn't take that big of a bite!!). For the next two hours or so, I experienced waves of pain in my esophagus like someone had grabbed hold of it and squeezed tightly.  Not very pleasant!!  Even after it subsided, anything I ate or drank irritated it for the rest of the night. 

Luckily, I was as good as new the next morning, and I've haven't experienced anything of the sort since then.  Let's just say I'll be avoiding guacamole for a while!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Well Traveled Baby...

It's amazing how many places a baby will go even before it leaves the womb!  I was sitting here thinking about our upcoming trips, and realized that we have a well traveled baby!  Already our baby has been to Cozumel and Progresso, Yucatan in Mexico!  It has already traveled to the beach once and will make another journey this weekend.  Baby has been to two Alabama games, all over the state of Alabama, and will travel to Gatlinberg in November.  Heck, Baby will even go camping at the end of this month!

I think of it as preparation for the many trips Baby will take in the future! 

I sure hope he or she likes to travel....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'm waking up in the middle of the night more frequently now....for many different reasons of course!  Whether it's a potty break, aching hips and legs, or the cats romping around the room, it always results in the same thing....I can't get back to sleep!

Once I wake up it's very difficult to get comfortable again.  I blame this on my change in sleeping position.  I've been sleeping semi on my stomach for as long as I can remember!  Now that this position is becoming less convenient (thank you baby!!), it's hard to find a comfortable position.  Thank goodness my husband had the foresight to buy a body pillow before it was even necessary.  The body pillow certainly helps.  It allows me to remain in a position that feels like my old one, without squishing the belly!  This is a sacrifice for Devin, though...

Take this morning for example.

Around 4:00 am I was awake, and once I took care of business I couldn't get back to sleep.  The solution...grab the body pillow!  Once I picked a side I was snoozing in no time.  When I woke up again at 6:30, there I was sprawled comfortably on the bed with the body pillow taking up an additional foot of space, and poor Devin was lying on his side on the edge of the bed. It looked very uncomfortable, and I felt terrible!

He's a good sport, though, and he doesn't say a word.  I'm lucky to have him!

Monday, October 3, 2011

15 weeks and 1 day...or is it 15 weeks and 4 days?

We are 15 weeks, but I'm not sure of the day!! According to the calendar on my phone and my app on facebook, I'm 15 weeks and 1 day, but according to the chart at the doctor's office I'm 15 weeks and 4 days.  They've been the same until  now, so I'm not sure what happened.....either way we're 15 weeks!

We had an appointment this past Friday.  Everything went well.  I had to wait for a while (first time, but I knew it would happen eventually) because Dr. Dipiazza was on call.  Then, when I finally got back there the nurse couldn't find the heartbeat and kept jabbing me in the abdomen (OUCH!).  Not to worry....Dr. Dipiazza came in and gently found it in no time!  The heartrate was 166 and everything appeared normal.  I'm still losing weight at each appointment, but Dr. Dipiazza says everything's fine as long as I'm not getting sick and eating like normal.

Boy or Girl? We find out what we're having on October 27.....24 more days!!!  Cast your vote before it's too late!

Say a prayer for a fellow teacher at my school....she lost her baby at 12 weeks a few days ago. :(