Thursday, August 18, 2011

8 weeks, 4 days...

So....we're at 8 weeks and four day...only two weeks from tomorrow until our next appointment!  I can't wait!  I was so ready for school to start, and now school has started and I'm TIRED!! Who would have guessed :)

No strange, outlandish pregnancy symptoms yet...just a little nausea each day and an aversion to some foods.  Devin had his first get-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and-make-your-pregnant-wife-some-food experience the other night.  His mission....peanut butter toast and milk :)

Just a few more weeks and we'll make our exciting news work and facebook official! Can't wait to tell the world.

1 comment:

  1. Yummy...Baby Mc wanted some PB toast! NOM NOM!!!

    I'm so excited for you guys. I hope the pants I got you worked :)
