Friday, October 21, 2011

Now...a moment to whine...

I consider my pregnancy to be quite blessed so far.  Compared to the many stories I've heard about the ailments of pregnancy, mine has come nowhere near being as uncomfortable as others. 

Still, I have my days...and this week has been a doozy.

This has been the week of aches and pains.

From my hips and knees aching, to a pain right in the center of my name it, I've felt it this week.  However, the strangest symptom of all was the extreme bout of heartburn (at least I think that's what it was) brought on by my favorite guacamole dip.  I've experienced some mild heartburn so far with pizza, spaghetti, mexican, and buffalo sauce, but this was extreme!!  There I was, enjoying my delicious guacamole when suddenly I have to stop eating because it feels as if it's lodged in my throat (and I know I didn't take that big of a bite!!). For the next two hours or so, I experienced waves of pain in my esophagus like someone had grabbed hold of it and squeezed tightly.  Not very pleasant!!  Even after it subsided, anything I ate or drank irritated it for the rest of the night. 

Luckily, I was as good as new the next morning, and I've haven't experienced anything of the sort since then.  Let's just say I'll be avoiding guacamole for a while!

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